Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chasing Dreams

The musical is over (assuming that you're reading this after 3/9). Although there are serious pangs in my heart after not being able to sing with these cast-mates anymore I'm on the road to immediate improvement.

During these past stressful weeks I've done nothing butwrite my music. Along this way I started to discover myself as a musician. Thought's like "Who am I?" and "What is this I've created?" have been raking my brain ever since I started. 

Then, a few days ago when I was writing my final song, it became emotional. Overbearingly so. 
I found myself craving for the success that so few have gained even though I knew that the chances of me getting to that point would be close to impossible. 
So while I was writing a slightly heart wrenching song about a heart-breaking girl I thought about what would it be like if I became famous. Then I stopped. 
WHAT AM I DOING? I'm drooling over a dream that I can only sleep about. I slapped myself, then told myself this:
If this is my dream I should be chasing it, even if the door is only the size of a pinhole. I should at least try to push through to get through.  

I'm about to start recording, and I'm getting really excited about this. 

So much for writing music. 
Eat, Sleep, Chill. 


  1. Eric, believe me dude, I understand how hard it is writing music. I've been trying to write songs since the 5th grade but do you know how many I have finished? None! I can never finish a song because I feel like they all sound like actual crap compared to Lennon or Zeppelin or Sublime or Dylan, actual musicians. When I judge other musicians, I think, well they're okay but they're nothing compared to Lennon, so consequentially, I think the same when judging myself. That's my main problem. But anyway, you're lucky if you can view yourself as an individual artist instead of comparing yourself to the greats. I can't wait to hear your music though really.

  2. First things first dude, I just have to say that the musical was awesome! Great job! Secondly, the path you took to writing songs interests me. Stress has different effects on everyone, but what I find interesting is that you took that stress and put it into your song writing. Somehow you were able to use it as motivation to ge bang out song after song which will all come together in the end for your final product. Lastly, even though I am personally not much of a songwriter, I think that it is important to recognize the emotion that your music reflects. Keep up the good work!

  3. Excellent job on the musical! Your acting was superb and voice was golden as ever. Relative to song writing I completely understand the feelings and emotions that may arise from writing a very personal song, often overwhelming. It also takes a lot of courage and strength to be able to continue on and proudly share these very personal songs. For that, I applaud you. Additionally, I enjoy your optimistic approach towards becoming famous and successful, the fact that is is possible, but the chances are near astronomical. Nevertheless, I know you will try your best and do everything you can. Great job, and keep going!
