Friday, March 1, 2013

Step 2

I've finished writing my rap songs. Now I have to write my indie pieces... which means literally sitting on a chair with my guitar cranking out chords until something fits together... I guess.

The tracklist will go something like this (and this is totally subject to change since I have other songs I can put on the EP)

1.) Breaking Barriers
2.) Consensus

Any who. So today after I came home, it struck me weird that I haven't heard myself sing in a long time. If I wanted to record some good sounding tracks, I at least need to sound good at first.

So I wandered about, pulled out my camcorder, plopped down on a chair and recorded a short and sweet song to put on my shriveled up youtube account.

Here it is.

Youtube (The file size is too large for basic Vimeo):

I can't say that I'm proud of this. My support sort of dwindles and dies towards the end of the song, but compared to last years videos this is surprisingly descent (since last year my voice hadn't settled yet and basically I was wailing at the camera).

Have fun judging me.

I've finished all my reading and boy, do I feel different.
I've never actually meditated before, but with this new book I actually discovered myself... as close to "enlightenment" as I will ever get.
I have a new technique to deal with stress, especially since it's musical season. This technique helped me focus and got rid of all the nervousness I have during these musical runthroughs. I can then transfer this over to my album making.
It's called the Candle Technique. Basically, I started off today by watching candle flicker. I let everything out of my mind as the flame danced in the darkness. After a while, I blew the candle out, and then envisioned the candle in my mind, allowing my mind's eye to zoom in and focus on the flickering flame. I was strangely calm but aware of my surroundings. Everything seemed fine and as soon as I was done, I finished my indie song's chord progression. Cool right?

Eat, Sleep, Chill.


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